Position (choose the best answer)
Grade levels supported (check all that apply)
Will you be attending lunch?
Participants in MSU-sponsored programs and activities may be photographed and videotaped for use in MSU promotional and educational materials. The participants are not identified by name in the materials. I authorize MSU to record the image and voice of the subject named below and I give MSU, and all those acting with MSU’s approval, all rights to use these images and voice recordings. I understand that such images and/or recordings may be used for educational and promotional purposes. This authority extends to all conventional and electronic media, including the Internet and any future media, and to any printed material. I understand and agree that these images and recordings may be duplicated, distributed with or without charge, and/or altered in any manner without compensation or liability, in perpetuity.
As you have selected that you do not agree to be photographed at this event, please let the attendents at the event check in know in order to receive a special name tag.